State FFA Champions named in Leadership Development Events
Wed, 12/11/2024 - 8:28am

On December 1 & 2, 2024, nearly 600 FFA members from across South Dakota met in Box Elder for the State FFA Leadership Development Events (LDEs). Students qualified through district competitions, advancing the top two teams and top three individuals from each of the eight FFA districts in South Dakota. Bison FFA had three members qualify for State competition: Kimber Hulm- Ag Broadcasting/Journalism, Cheyenne Hendrickson- Ag Broadcasting/ Journalism, and Jacelyn Watson-Veal- Employment Interview Skills. In addition, Sierra Hendrickson, District V Student Advisor attended to monitor competition rooms and participated in District Officer Training. While waiting for competitive events, students had the opportunity to interact with agriculture industry leaders, who are SD FFA Star Partners, at the Career Expo. FFA members and chapters were recognized for their success in eleven leadership areas at the awards ceremony. The awards session was sponsored by Agtegra Cooperative; BankWest; Bayer; Twin Cities Region Northland Ford Dealers; Lynn, Jackson, Shultz, Lebrun, P.C. Attorneys at Law; Beck’s Hybrid; Butler Machinery Company; C&B Equipment; CHS Foundation, Dacotah Bank; Farm Credit Services of America; Titan International; Farmers Mutual of Nebraska; First Dakota National Bank; Lauck and Koepsell Construction; Pioneer/Corteva; Prairie Grain Partners, LLC; Rock Tuff; SD Corn Utilization Council; and Western Legacy Foundation. State-winning teams and individuals in ten of the eleven contests below now advance to the National FFA Leadership Development Events in Indianapolis next fall.
In Ag Broadcasting/Journalism, students have 30 minutes to prepare a five-minute agricultural radio newscast and then "air" it. This event is sponsored by Prairie Winds Humbolt LLC. The results are as follows:
In the Gold Medal Division:
1st Place: Shyla Tvedt, Deuel
2nd Place: Mia Fitzgerald, Philip
3rd Place: Haydn McGillivary, Watertown Area
In the Silver Medal Division:
4th Place: Ethan Buchmann, Deubrook
5th Place:Reagan Pearson, Tri-Valley
6th Place: Quinn Boer, Deubrook
In the Bronze Medal Division:
11th Place: Kimber Hulm, Bison