Bison Courier

The Athletic Directors made a decision without the coaches knowledge to  not allow 6th grade students to play JH sports. Bison has Elementary teams for them.  The parents feel they will have to drive their children 45 miles to be involved in sports. Harding County wants six to seven junior high...
No one expects to lose a child, and certainly not 10 days before their third birthday! But that is exactly what happened Jan 21, 2024 when Avery Lynn Beckman was taken to heaven in a tragic farm accident. Everyone knows funerals are very expensive and a Go Fund Me account was created by her Great...
John and Geraldine’s involvement in the Fair started back in the early 70’s with John announcing the E-Z Riders Rodeo’s, at that time the arena had just been built and the building was not yet dreamed of. John went to auction school in 1970, specializing in Rodeo Announcing, and Farm Auctions....
Both Bison and Lemmon School Districts were in attendance at the recent Commissioners meeting to ask for more PILT (payment in lou of taxes) money. Bison’s Dr Shipley stated that the ESSER funds (COVID) have been dispersed, the federal funding for school lunch program is gone. Lemmon’s...
School cook Virginia Utter applied for the Farm to School Lunch Program in 2023, two years of home raised beef has been donated to the school. “The school buys the beef and the families donate the processing” stated Utter. Many people from the community have donate fruit and vegetables to the...
Aaron Chapman of Brosz Engineering visited with the Board about the storm sewer project from the southwest corner of the park to Main Street, it is complete. Grass is beginning to grow through the waddles, the waddles can be removed soon. Lagoon cell 4 is shaped and in need of compacting the top...


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