Kadoka Press to discontinue the weekly newspaper

“It is with regret that I have to inform our readers that April 14, 2022, will be the last issue of the Kadoka Press,” said publisher Don Ravellette.
“We have depleted all of our re- sources and due to the dwindling work force, we have no other op- tions,” said Ravellette. “ We will be switching over all remaining sub- scriptions to the Pioneer Review newspaper, beginning the week of April 21st."
There will be a Kadoka Area sec-
tion in the Pioneer Review. We will be happy to receive any pictures or news from the Kadoka area for sub- mission into this section.
At press time we have been in- formed that the legal notices for Jackson County will be published in the Pioneer Review newspaper. The City of Kadoka and Kadoka School District will discuss the closing of the newspaper at their Monday, April 11th meetings.
Our staff will do their best to in- clude any city, school and county
news in the Kadoka Area section. The last issue on April 14th, will fea- ture some past front pages of the Kadoka Press and more detailed in- formation.
If you have news, pictures, or mail to send to the Kadoka Press of- fice, please keep using the same ad- dress and email address as in the past.
Don Ravellette Publisher