Numerous Citizens Address Council Regarding Animal Ordinances
Wed, 03/23/2022 - 11:17am

Elizabeth Meighen
The Kadoka City Council conducted its regularly scheduled, monthly meeting on March 14 at the Kadoka City Auditorium Annex. City Council Members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Tim Huffman, Rusty Olney, Eileen Stolley, Tia Stout, Harry Weller and Ryan Willert.
Mayor Weller promptly called the meeting to order and requested the Council review and approve the meeting agenda and meeting minutes from the special meeting on Feb. 10 and the monthly meeting on Feb. 14. The Council modified the agenda. Weller presented February invoices, asking the Council to review and approve payment. Next, he presented financial reports and bank account balances as of Feb. 28. The Council approved payment of February invoices and financial reports.
Before proceeding to matters of new business, as established by the meeting agenda, the Council provides Kadoka residents with the opportunity to address the Council during citizens’ input. Gary Petras addressed the Council with concerns over discrepancies between the plot lines on plat maps as the original pins were placed incorrectly, skewing the lines by approximately nine degrees. The discrepancy, he explained, could impact his property especially when development and future infrastructure projects include roadways. Terry Deuter addressed the Council, expressing the same concerns as Petras in relation to his property. The Council advised both property owners to attend a special Planning and Zoning Board meeting. Next in citizens’ input, Diane Wilson addressed the Council and recognized the “dog and cat lovers” in the community. She suggested a special meeting where “we have our input.” Weller referred to the legal process associated with enacting ordinances. The Council planned to comply and to conduct the first reading of the Ordinances in matters of new business. He explained that following the legal process helps the City “get solutions to the problems.” Craig and Donna Wells appeared before the Council, agreeing with proposed changes. Their concerns come from neighboring cats defecating in their vegetable garden as pet owners fail to “keep their pets off my property.” Next, Chris Kusick addressed the Council on the proposed changes, stating she does not believe the City should dictate the number of animals she owns if they are “healthy and up to date on vaccinations.” Lastly in citizens’ input, Cindy Vandermay told the Council she is a responsible pet owner who feels like a “prisoner in her own home” due to aggressive dogs roaming at large on her street. She presented her concerns for the safety of animals being trapped and impounded by the City.
Proceeding to matters of new business, Craig and Donna Wells addressed the Council with concerns of standing water and a lack of drainage around their property, indicating the need to place a drainage culvert. They informed the Council of plans to construct a greenhouse and start a commercial operation. Huffman informed Wells the public work department would look at the drainage issue “in detail.”
In the second matter of new business, the Council conducted the first reading of Title Nine-Animal Ordinances. Stephanie Trask, attorney for the City, reviewed the language of the Ordinances with the Council, explaining verbiage and noting much of it as “standard language—it is in the statutes.” She encouraged citizens that have issue with Animal Ordinances to attend next month’s meeting when the Council plans to conduct a second reading of the Ordinances.
As a Kadoka resident, Rusty Olney presented a “proposed plat map” for property jointly owned with Mark Carlson. Olney informed the Council of plans to seek conditional use of a residential property as the layout proposes “commercial on one end and residential on the other.” He requested and received approval for the preliminary proposal, allowing it to progress to the Planning and Zoning Board for a final approval. Olney and Stout (nee Carlson) abstained from voting.
Ali Webster appeared before the Council to request a waiver of a variance that restricts the age of a manufactured home to less than 15 years. The Council reviewed pictures of the interior of the home but noted they needed to review pictures of the exterior before waiving the variance. Buchholz added the maximum age requirement may be waived if the home meets requirements for updates to the exterior, such as roofing and siding. The Council advised Webster to photograph the home from various angles and present them at the next Council meeting.
In the final matters of new business, the Council approved the 2021 Annual Report and approved a special events license for the Kadoka Nursing Home to host their annual prime rib supper.
Proceeding with departmental reports, LaTasha Buchholz informed the Council that a legal notice was served on a property owner for violating Ordinances and failing to correct deficiencies. Weller informed the Council he visited with Joel Johnson, Code Enforcement Specialist, LLC, after last month’s meeting regarding improper disposal of household garbage at a local rental property and lack of skirting on a mobile home.
Nathan Riggins, water and sewer superintendent, ordered a manhole cover to replace a damaged one on Poplar Street. He plans to flush all city water hydrants by the end of April. Patrick Solon, public works employee, provided a report to the Council for the street department. He reported that federal funding utilized by the state provides for installation of new street signs. Buchholz informed the Council that she submitted requests for bids for the summer 2022 street department projects. In matters relating to solid waste,
Grillo noted nothing new to report for the department. Buchholz reported that the Kadoka City Bar received new seats for the bar stools. Stout provided the report for auditorium/parks, informing the Council that the City ordered new curtains for the auditorium stage.
Robert Book, public safety director for the Kadoka Police Department (KPD), reported attending basketball games to “establish a good relationship with the community.” He noted parents expressed concerns about motorists failing to stop at intersections and speeding prompting him to surveil traffic near the school, issuing citations and warnings for motor vehicle violations.
Weller provided the Council with the Mayor’s report, noting a meeting for District Eight is scheduled for March 29 at 6 p.m. in Philip. He informed the Council of a special meeting planned for March 21 with the Board of Equalization.
The Council entered executive session to discuss personnel matters, exited executive session and returned to the meeting. The Council moved to hire Colby Shuck for the position of pool manager for the Kadoka City Pool and lifeguards for the 2022 summer season.
The next Kadoka City Council meeting will be held on April 11 at 7 p.m.