Pioneer Auto celebrates 70th anniversary
Wed, 08/14/2024 - 8:35am

Mishayla Buchannan
The Pioneer Auto Museum celebrated their 70th anniversary on Saturday, August 10. The event ran all day with various items on the agenda.
The morning kicked off with a show and shine where vehicles of all kinds were displayed in the parking lot of the Pioneer Auto. Vehicles (and bikes) both old and new shone bright (or didn’t) in the sunny morning light. A people’s choice was determined through voting and the winner of the people’s choice was Cary Rybus from Minnesota with his 2011 Dodge Ram Big Horn pickup.
For lunch, Dave Geisler’s favorite was served as a special at the Covered Wagon: Hot beef sandwiches. The museum was also open for visitors at half the price. At 1:30, a car parade was held. The cars from the show and shine, plus some additional PAM vehicles (like the General Lee), paraded through the town from 3rd street, down Main Street, and through the park and back the various vehicles could be seen. After the parade some leisure time was had in the PAM with karaoke and a wagon train.
Later in the early evening a Smoke & Sizzle Fest was had at the Senior Center. Contestants brought their best smoked and barbecued dishes and side dishes for the community try and to vote for.
The night was finished off with a street dance on 3rd Street in front of the Harold Thune Auditorium where the Undercover Band was featured, playing cover songs of all genres. The lead singer, Bart Brost, wore his high school coyote jersey for the event. The Circle E Drive-In also stayed open for the event, serving up drinks and food until 1 am.