Sheriff addresses need for crosswalks, shares hopes to reduce speed limit near gymnasium and school
Wed, 11/27/2024 - 9:23am

Elizabeth Meighen
The Kadoka City Council conducted its regular, monthly meeting on Nov. 11 at the Kadoka City Finance Office. Council members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Colleen Hildebrand, Tim Huffman, Eileen Stolley, Harry Weller and Ryan Willert. Council member Paula Holley did not attend the meeting.
Mayor Weller called the meeting to order and requested the council review and approve the meeting agenda and minutes from the regular meeting conducted on Oct. 15 and a special meeting on Oct. 21. At the special meeting, the council reviewed bids for emergency repairs to a failed stormwater drain on Chestnut Street. The council approved the sole bid of $94,387.92 submitted by West River Excavation, LLC, for the project. The council approved the agenda and the minutes for both meetings.
Next, the council reviewed and approved $51,050.95 in bills for products received, services provided, and taxes incurred during October. The council reviewed then approved the city’s financial reports. They included departmental revenues and expenditures as of Oct. 31 in addition to bank account balances for the operational, money market and automated teller machine accounts. In October, the city realized a $177,930.22 profit resulting in a year-to-date profit of $235,563.25.
The council proceeded with the agenda and provided a period for public comment. The council will hear items presented but will take no action on non-agenda matters. At this meeting, Cathy Stone asked for permission to install Christmas lighting at the park. The council approved her request and asked her to contact city workers to determine what electrical sources are available to use for the lights.
In the first matter of new business, the council reviewed bids for vehicle and heating fuels for the 2025 calendar year. The city received bids from Discount Fuels, Inc., Kadoka Oil, LLC, and CHS Midwest Cooperative for #1 and #2 diesel fuel, liquid propane (LP) and unleaded gasoline. The council awarded Kadoka Oil, LLC, with the bid for diesel fuels and unleaded gasoline. They awarded CHS Midwest Cooperatives with the bid for LP gas.
The council reviewed then approved a building permit submitted by Dan and Dawn Rasmussen to construct a garage on their Maple Street property. Next, the council reviewed and approved three applications for 2025 Uniform Alcoholic Beverage Licenses. In the last matter of new business, the council conducted the first reading of the Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance with plans to conduct the second reading at the next meeting on Dec. 9. The ordinance would transfer monies from the “unreserved general fund balance” to the airport and to the park, in the amount of $15,000 and $74,000 respectively.
The council proceeded to departmental reports, commencing with public safety. Tucker Amiotte, Jackson County Sheriff, addressed the council. He informed the council of efforts to reduce the speed limit on South Dakota Hwy. 248. The highway runs parallel to the north side of parking lot for the Kadoka Area School (KAS) gymnasium, and the KAS middle and high schools. He met with a representative with the South Dakota Department of Transportation to determine what measures are needed to reduce the speed limit. Currently, the speed limit is 45 mph on SD-248 and Amiotte “hopes” to reduce it to 30 mph. He noted, “there are always kids on 248”. Another matter he reiterated to the council is the need for crosswalks and proper signage at the schools and gymnasium. Amiotte told them that during recent games at the gymnasium, “it was just a mess” with parking and pedestrian problems observed by Jackson County Sheriff Office officers.
In matters concerning code enforcement, Amiotte addressed the council, informing them that his office does not plan to deliver letters returned by the U.S. Postal Service sent by Code Enforcement Specialists, LLC, to property owners addressing code enforcement violations of the city ordinances. Willert noted, “code enforcement is taking a break,” so property owners will not have to work in winter conditions.
Nathan Riggins, sewer and water superintendent, began by reporting smoke tests were conducted on manholes on Main Street after a resident reported sewer smells. Riggins made repairs to one manhole with plans to make more repairs next spring.
Patrick Solon, streets superintendent, told the council of plans to continue blading gravel on city streets. Willert asked if Solon went to the North Prairie View Subdivision to look at a street planned for the subdivision. Solon informed him that he needed to “know where it is to be platted” and expressed the need to meet with the property developer’s engineering firm to determine the exact location of the street. Solon and the council discussed replacing damaged concrete culverts, repairs to the storm drain on Chestnut Street made by West River Excavating, LLC, and cleaning other culverts blocked by debris. Next, Grillo informed the council that the solid waste department had no updates for the month and noted the transfer station will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28 in observance of Thanksgiving. Buchholz provided the council with the liquor department report, noting the bar manager wanted to know what hours of operation for the upcoming holidays.
Willert addressed the council with a report on behalf of the parks and auditorium department. He told the council of a request from a local resident to rent the space formerly occupied by the city finance office. Robbie Eckert informed Willert he would like to rent the area for six to 12 months. The council moved with plans to offer a rental agreement to Eckert for the space for $500 per month.
Weller provided the mayor’s report to the council. He told the council that the contractor for the Poplar Street project plans to travel to Kadoka. The contractor plans to look for places to install “portable” or modular housing to accommodate workers for the duration of the project. The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. at the KCFO. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meetings.