Road and Bridge Levy may be implemented

Perkins County Highway Department Superintendent Cody Green informed the commissioners that the Perkins County Highway Department has no money to do gravel mining, or any projects that come up. Greens suggestion is to implement a road and bridge levy, the levy would be specifically for roads and bridges, maintaining , repairing, constructing and reconstructing. Green suggested .90/thousand of value, once passed the county can continue the road and bridge levy annually without further action of the commissioners. The total amount of taxes generated can be increased annually by a index factor and a growth factor, the levy cannot exceed the limitations. All property within the county must pay the road and bridge levy. 25% of the taxes generated by the property within a city will be remitted to that city for their own bridge and street purpose. The commissioners have to pass a resolution with a 2/3 vote before July 15 of the year prior to the year the taxes are payable.
It is approximately $54,000 for a mile of chipsealing. For 2025 the highway department will keep the roads bladed and mow ditches. There are 551 miles of county roads and 260 miles of township roads in Perkins County.
Sheriff Serr asked for hazard pay, for himself and his deputies who carry a gun and wear a bullet proof vest, of $1.50 an hour for one year on top of the $1.00 an hour raise. This failed by a tie roll call vote and will be revisited at the February meeting.
Green, Highway Department, suggested cutting one of the unfilled highway positions and giving highway employees a $2.00 an hour wage increase.
Commissioners gave all perkins County employees a one dollar an hour wage increase for 2025.
Kyle Carmichael was unanimously elected chairman. Rusty Foster was unanimously elected vice-chairman.
Jerry Krambeck with SDPAA Insurance was present to discuss County Property Insurance.
Collin Palmer, Farmers Union Insurance, was also present to discuss life insurance with the commissioners.
Bridget Keller was offered and accepted the licensing position in the finance office, she will continue to be the Veterans Service Officer also.
Sarah Lemer has accepted the custodian position.

The Pioneer Review

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